Understanding Pigmentation

Nothing is more envious than a clear skin. Our skin contains the dark pigment melanin. Patchy or uneven pigmentation occurs due to the over production of this pigment which in turn is triggered by many factors including Genetic Predisposition, Overexposure to sunlight, underlying hormonal imbalances and use of certain medications like Oral contraceptive pills.
Before running off and buying a fairness cream it is important to get to the root of the cause before formulating a treatment plan. Depth of pigmentation is assessed using a Woods lamp examination and depending on depth of pigmentation ,a customised treatment plan is made which will help you attain an even skin tone, texture and improve overall skin radiance.
Pigmentation may either be due to increased melanin deposition in the epidermis or dermis. Epidermal pigmentary disorders respond well to treatment while dermal pigmentation may take a long time to lighten.
Pigmentation can present in various forms:

Melasma : Seen as brown patches on the face, it is more commonly seen in females. It occurs due to hormonal changes in the body. The pigmentation increases on sun exposure.

Peri-orbital melanosis : Also known as ‘dark circles’ may be heriditary, due to stress or eye strain

Freckles and Lentigenes : These are tiny black spots on the face and are genetic in origin.

Photomelanosis : This is increased pigmentation due to sun exposure. The pigmentation occurs on exposed skin, commonly on the face, neck and the back. The pigmentation may be patchy or as diffused darkening of the exposed skin.

Sun burn (tan) : A condition commonly encountered in fair skinned people due to excessive sun exposure.

Post inflammatory hyper pigmentation : It may be seen in the following cases Seen after healing has occured, like in acne, eczemas, contact dermatitis etc. Drug induced pigmentation. Pigmentation may also occur due to cosmetics especially those containing fragrance.

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