Understanding Hair Fall

Common Hair troubles

Split ends or Trichoptilosis is the splitting or fraying of the hair-shaft due to excessive heat and mechanical stress. Thermal, chemical or mechanical stress can cause split ends. For example, the use of curling irons and other heat treatments may cause split ends. Excessive application of hair products such as perms and hair coloring may strip protective layering off the outside of the hair’s shaft and weaken the hair, making the hair prone to split ends. Mechanical stresses include pulling a comb forcefully through tangled hair and repeated combing.
There is no remedy for split ends beyond trimming the affected hair.Some shampoos claim to heal split ends by sealing the ends back together.An easy way how to remove split ends is by cutting the hair ends.

Other common problems could be

  • Abnormal odor
  • Early greying of hair
  • Clumps of hair falling out
  • Clumpy flakes that do not easily slough off the scalp skin
  • Excessive itchiness that doesn’t go away with a few hair wash, redness of scalp skin
  • Patches of thinning
Any of these symptoms may indicate a need for professional assistance from a dermatologist or trichologist for diagnosis.

Dandruff is the shedding of dead skin cells from the scalp. It is a common scalp disorder affecting almost half of the population at the post-pubertal age and of any gender and ethnicity. It often causes itching. The severity of dandruff may fluctuate with season as it often worsens in winter[ Most cases of dandruff can be easily treated with specialized shampoos. There is, however, no true cure.
Dandruff has been shown to possibly be the result of three factors

  • Skin oil commonly referred to as sebum or sebaceous secretions
  • The metabolic by-products of skin micro-organisms (most specifically Malassezia yeasts)
  • Individual susceptibility and allergy sensitivity.

Dandruff is also associated with some skin disorders , including dry skin, seborrhoeic dermatitis, psoriasis, eczema or sensitivity to hair care products.
Shampoos containing one of the following ingredients are commonly used to control dandruff.

  • ketoconazole
  • selenium disulfide
  • Ciclopirox
  • Coal tar

Very rarely, oral therapies are needed for Dandruff.

Hair Loss
While it is a common problem faced these days, hair loss can have a tremendous impact on facial aesthetics and self-esteem. A head full of hair serves as a symbol of youth, health, fertility and sexual potency. This is why hair loss, hair thinning and baldness often cause great embarrassment and concern and hair restoration treatments are so highly desirable.
Our hair goes through a natural growth cycle that allows replacement of old hairs with younger healthy ones, so your hair sheds the old in favour of the new. Most young adults lose between 70-100 hairs from their scalps every day, which are then replaced by new hairs.
The problem occurs when this natural growth cycle is interrupted. Instead of your head maintaining a balance of hair (as old falls out, new hair takes its place) you see a persistent thinning and eventual baldness. After the completion of puberty the hair cycle slows down, causing the process of hair thinning to accelerate while regeneration is progressively delayed. This is the beginning of the balding phenomenon affecting around 60% of males above the age of 40 years old.

Causes of Hair fall?
By far the most common cause of hair loss in men and women is androgenic alopecia (AGA). AGA is caused by progressive, gradual shrinking of normal hair follicles that produce normal (terminal) hairs into miniaturised hair follicles that produce fine (vellus) hairs.
Individuals with a predisposition to this condition have oversensitivity to the hormone Dihydrotestosterone (DHT). It has specific receptors on the top of the scalp and today we know that they are responsible for hair loss. Fortunately, our understanding of this problem has lead to a safe and permanent cure.
Like with men, the most common cause of female hair loss is androgenic alopecia, although the link to hormonal imbalance is less clear.
Other common causes of alopecia can be attributed to Iron deficiency anaemia , thyroid diseases ,extreme diets ,protein deficiency, low vitamin levels may cause hair loss. or Telogen effluvium which is hair fall following a major illness like high fever, surgeryor childbirth .Certain scalp conditions can also cause temporary or permanent hair loss.

Are women and men affected by hair loss equally?
Hair loss is more common in men than women.Both men and women, however, can feel the trauma and social stigma that comes with hair loss. However, this also means that the subject is better understood, both socially and medically than it is in women. It is therefore easier to treat and provide a solution that will help to increase your confidence and overall self esteem.Hair loss can have a devastating affect on a person’s confidence and self-esteem and this can have very serious results on their personal and professional lives.
While hair loss in men is sometimes considered an unfortunate part of ageing, hair loss in women is a socially catastrophic event, rather than the acceptable life style option it can be in males. Hair is so linked to a woman’s beauty, youth and vitality that hair loss can carry an unpleasant stigma.
Whatever the cause of your hair loss, we have a range of effective treatments to help you feel attractive and confident once again. In the past your options were limited to hairpieces and unproven treatments. But medical science has since evolved. Today you can access clinically proven treatments that can completely reverse the effects of hair loss.
Day to day Hair troubles

How can we help you?
A complete medical assessment is done to understand the underlying cause of your alopecia.
A series of tests, if required are suggested.
A complete detail of the kind of treatment needed is explained, and performed.

Treatment Options

Medical management
There are quite few USFDA approved medications for hair fall.
Minoxidil : This topical medication is US FDA approved for treatment of AGA in both men and women. It is available in lotion of 2%,5% and 10% . minoxidil may grow a little hair, but it’s better at holding onto what’s still there. Though there are no major side effects associated with it, it needs to be applied once or twice daily, regularly. Some patients complain of hair fizziness after minoxidil use. Inadvertent application to the face or neck skin can cause unwanted hair growth in those areas.
Finasteride : This medication is FDA approved for use in only men with androgenic hair loss. Finasteride is a 5-alpha reductase inhibitors. It is thought to help reduce hair loss by blocking the action of natural hormones in scalp hair follicles. Women of child-bearing potential should avoid finasteride. Finastride is used in dose of 1 mg once daily. Propecia may grow and thicken hair to some extent for some people, but its main use is to keep (maintain) hair that’s still there. It does not “work” in days to weeks, and its onset of visible improvement tends to be gradual. It may be best for men who still have enough hair to retain but also can help some regrow hair. Possible but very unlikely side effects include impotence or a decreased sex drive.

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