Platelet-Rich Plasma Therapy

What is PRP?

PRP therapy is procedure that utilises your own blood, where the platelet rich plasma component is extracted, concentrated and reintroduced to rejuvenate the skin. Platelets contain substances called growth factors that activate and rejuvenate cells in the body.The concentrated platelets in PRP contain tremendous amounts of bioactive proteins, which include the growth factors PDGF and VEGF. These growth factors have been shown to initiate accelerated tissue repair, and according to experts have also been shown to have positive effects on skin rejuvenation. The growth factors, when released, promote tissue repair, angiogenesis (capillary formation), and collagen production.

How is PRP prepared?

Patients blood is taken like at any laboratory. This is the processed to concentrate platelets and white blood cells (known as autologous PRP therapy) in a specialised centrifuge machine.

How frequently and how many sessions I have to take?

Generally, you need one treatment per month for 3-4 months. The treatment itself takes about an hour and is performed by our dermatologist. Results can be maintained with a single repeat treatment every 4-6 months.

Is it safe?

It is a very safe treatment because, in autologous PRP, we are using your own blood so there is no chance of an allergic reaction or serious side-effects.
Compared to Botox there usually is a more prolonged “downtime”. Swelling and redness of the treated areas is common and may be dramatic – eg around the eyes, although usually only for 24-48 hours. Some bruising is also to be expected and although this can be covered with make-up after the initial 24 hour period it may take a week to clear completely.

What will PRP Rejuvenation do for me?

It helps improve

  • firmness on the face, hands, neck and chest
  • Fine lines and wrinkles
  • Dry and dull skin
  • Under eye dark circles
  • Sagging skin
  • Uneven texture
  • Excessive Hair Fall
  • Male pattern baldness
What are the contraindications?

Contraindications include:

  • Sepsis
  • Chemotherapy
  • Platelet dysfunction syndrome
  • Critical thrombocytopenia
  • Hypofibrinogenemia
  • Hemodynamic instability
  • Anticoagulation therapy
  • Acute and chronic infections
  • Chronic pathological conditions of the liver
  • Severe metabolic and systemic disorders
  • Skin disease (systemic lupus erythematosus, porphyria, and allergies),
  • Heavy nicotine, drug, and alcohol consumption.
Is it painful?

A topical anaesthetic agent is applied over the treatment site to make the procedure bearable. There can be soreness after the injection due to the PRP-induced inflammatory response. You can expect swelling and soreness during the first 48 hours post injection.

Who is the ideal to get it done?

It is ideal for an individual who wants gradual but noticeable improvement in skin texture, tone and colour. The results give you a fresher and healthier appearance. It helps eliminating skin wrinkles, rejuvenating the skin, improves the appearance in those with acne scarring, and hastens the healing process after a facial peel. It also appeals to patients who are looking for a natural approach to volumise the face.

What is the Future of PRP?

As people seek out alternative options to BOTOX and FILLER , therapies such as PRP will become more in demand. Not only are patients excited about it but physicians are as well as it gives them more options to offer their patients. Treating patients with their own body components is revolutionary and more than likely just the beginning of these forms of treatment. Further research will occur and the use of these treatments will continue as long as they prove to be effective.

Do I still need BOTOX if I take PRP treatment?

PRP therapy is not a substitute to BOTOX or Derma-fillers. They are best used in combination.

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