Chemical Peeling FAQs

What are Chemical Peels?

Chemical peels contain active ingredients that stimulate the shedding of the top layer of the epidermis. When the dead skin cells are removed, a new layer of skin is produced, that’s fresh ,softer and rejuvenated giving an appearance of younger healthier skin.

What conditions do chemical peels help treat?

Chemical peels have been proven to:

  • Improve appearance and texture of skin
  • Reduce fine lines and wrinkles
  • Treat acne scars and pigmentation from acne blemishes
  • Reduce acne breakouts, smooth acne-prone skin
  • Reduce age spots, sun spots, and dark spots from pregnancy and birth control pills (melasma)
  • Improve tanning.
How many sessions will I need and on what interval?

Receiving a series of chemical exfoliation treatments, every four to six weeks interval will yield the best results. Our doctors will guide you through a skin care program that consists of treatments and skin care advice that are suitable for your specific needs. The superficial peels are usually done several times over the course of several months. The deeper peels usually only need to be performed once to achieve the desired effect.

How long do the results last?

With good sun protection, results can last months or years, depending on the depth of the peel. Generally, the deeper peels have a more long lasting effect.

How long does it take and can I go right back to work after peel?

About thirty minutes in total, hence it has often been referred to as “the lunch time peel”.
Yes, in most cases, work or other normal activities may be resumed immediately.

Can I go out into the sun after having a chemical peel?

You may go outside, but sunscreen must be worn for at least a few days after the peel as your skin will likely be a little more sensitive to sun exposure.

Will a chemical peel remove deep lines or wrinkles?

A chemical peel will not remove deep lines. LASER resurfacing, and antiageing services like BOTOX and Derma filler, is recommended in most cases where wrinkles are advanced. However, a peel will often improve the tone, texture, smoothness and appearance of skin.

Am I a right candidate to take peel?

If you are looking to improve the texture and appearance of your skin you might be a good candidate for a chemical peel. If it is your first time receiving a chemical peel, our doctors are available to assist you with any questions you may have about chemical peels and what peel will be right for your skin type and skin concern. At twachaa we take a progressive rather than an aggressive approach, starting slowly with a peel and building up. Not every skin type can do aggressive chemical peels.

What are some of the different chemicals used in peel treatments?

Glycolic Acid: Glycolic acid is probably the most commonly used. It belongs to Alpha Hydroxy Acids. It works well on most skin types to accelerate the turnover of skin cells, restore elasticity and can help to improve the texture of your skin. Its smaller molecular size can make it too irritating for some skin types.
Salicylic: Salicylic peel is ideal for use on oily or acne prone skin types. Not suitable for clients with an allergy to aspirin.
Latic Acid: Lactic Acid is best, if you have dry skin, and age related issues like fine lines and wrinkles. It is also great for pigmented skin (sun or age spots). Like glycolic peel it belongs to AHA family, but generally causes less peeling and is good for those want less downtime, especially before any occasion.
Mandelic & Azelaic Acid: Mandelic & Azelaic are used for all skin types. Though both are mild peel having great results, they work well for fine lines, acne, rosacea, and pigmentation (especially post-inflammatory). They have strong antibacterial and antiseptic properties.
TCA (Trichloroacetic acid): TCA is recommended for hyperpigmentation, sun damage, acne, and fine lines.
Jessners: It is a combination of salicylic acid, lactic acid, and resorcinol, though there are now modifications for alternate Jessners-types of peels. This chemical peel is best used for treatment of acne, oily, or thicker skin.
Obagi Blue Peel
The Obagi Blue Peel is a very effective peel to maintain healthy skin. It is considered a medium depth peel. As it penetrates to the skin, it dramatically reduces wrinkles and causes skin tightening. This peel removes layers of aged and damaged skin, and promotes the creation of healthy skin. This peel smooth’s the surface of your skin, improves skin tone and color, help to reduce wrinkles, and shrinks pore size.
Phenol Peel
It belongs to very deep chemical peels, one of the strongest available. It help to Reduces wrinkles, to removes freckles, to improves appearance of superficial acne scars, to reduce hyperpigmentation and skin discolorations. Phenol peel must be done by a professional. Skin pallor is a potential side effect, so you will see a line of demarcation where the peel is applied. Phenol peel is best for those with fair skin and NOT suitable for darker skin types
Cosmelan : it is a combination deep peel done for skin pigmentation. It needs to be done just once in 9-12 months.

How Do I Prepare for a Chemical Peel?

For best results, one should always prepare their skin for at least 2 weeks prior to a peel. For instance, if you are looking to treat pigmentation issues, using a lightening serum prior to your chemical peel is required. Your home care and preparation of your skin pre- and post- peel are crucial to the success of your treatments.Our doctors would prescribe a priming agent to be used prior to peeling

Is a chemical peel painful?

No. There is a mild degree of “tingling” or a slightly itchy sensation during peel session.

What should I use at home after a chemical peel?

You can use a mild cleanser and moisturiser as often as needed. You may resume regular skincare 3-5 days after a peel or once redness or peeling is no longer apparent. Sun protection is a must! Appropriate products depending on skin type would be prescribed

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