Botox FAQs

What are Derma Fillers

The derma fillers that are currently being used are Hyaluronic fillers. Hyaluronic acid is a natural, bio compatible material that also forms a natural part of your skin. These fillers are injected into areas of lost volume to give instant fullness and youthfulness.

Is Botulinum Toxin only for older age group?

According to US FDA, anybody in the age group of 18-80 yrs of age who desires to get rid of their wrinkles & have a smoother appearance can get the treatment done.

What are the indications for Botulinum Toxin?
  • To remove frown lines between the eyebrows,
  • Crows feet around the eyes,
  • horizontal forehead wrinkles,
  • Bunny Lines on the nose,
  • Downturned corners of the lips,
  • Neck bands (chicken legs) and horizontal lines,
  • Chin creasing, to reduce broad jaws,
  • to improve the facial contour,
  • to lift a sagging jowls.
  • Hyperhidrosis : to reduce excessive sweating on palms & underarms
  • for the treatment of migraine.
  • Intradermal Botulinum Toxin is used to add a glow to the skin.(Meso BOTOX)
When are the results visible?

The results are seen within 3-4 days but the effect is best seen after 7-15days of injection. The effects gradually wear off in 5-6months.

What is the treatment like?

This procedure involves a few tiny injections given with a very fine Insulin needle and can take as little as five to fifteen minutes to complete.

Is the treatment painful?

Very fine, small sterile needles are used to inject Botulinum Toxin. The pain is minimal, often described like an ant bite sting. For those who have a low pain threshold, ice packs can be used to alleviate pain. No anesthesia is required.Topical anaesthesia can be taken for extremely sensitive patients. One can resume normal activities immediately.

How Long Does it Last?

Effect may last for 4-6 months or longer, results vary from patient to patient. May last longer with repeated treatments. But result will wear off progressively (not suddenly).

Will my lines worsen if I discontinue Botulinum Toxin?

NO. Eventually, wrinkles will return as they were before the treatment

What are the side effects?

No long-term side effects have been reported. Most common side effect is tenderness and bruising at the site of injection. Some people may have a feeling of heaviness in the head for a few hours.

Who should not use Botulinum Toxin?

Botulinum Toxin should not be given to pregnant or breastfeeding women or to patients who have a neuromuscular disorder.

Is it safe?

Botulinum Toxin is a purified protein derivative of botulinum toxin A & has been used for the last 20 years safely. It is US FDA approved.

Will I have a plastic, expressionless face after Botulinum Toxin?

No. This will happen only if too much of Botulinum Toxin is given. A qualified & trained doctor will give adequate doses of Botulinum Toxin injections just to soften the expression lines & give you a youthful appearance.

If I take Botulinum Toxin once will I have to take it for the rest of my life?

If you do not want to take a second injection after 6 months, it’s alright as there will be no tell tale signs nor will the wrinkles worsen.

How many treatments will I need?

Many patients will achieve their desired result after just one treatment. To ensure your satisfaction with the treatment, you must go to your doctor for a follow-up visit, where a touch up treatment might be recommended if required.

Are there any side effects?

Normal, injection-related reactions such as mild irritation, edema, swelling, itching, discoloration, or tenderness at the injection site may occur. These conditions typically resolve themselves within one to two days.

Is it permanent?

No. Treatment results are long-lasting, but not permanent. Hyaluronic Acid fillers ( Restylane,Esthelis, Juvederm) usually last for 12-24 months.

What are the indications for Hyaluronic acid fillers?

Hyaluronic acid fillers can be used for:

  • Lip augmentation,
  • Cheek volume.
  • Face outlines,
  • Naso-labial furrows,
  • Glabellar lines,
  • Tear troughs
  • Perioral wrinkles,
  • Lip commissures
How safe are they?

Hyaluronic acid is a substance of natural origin, which is safe and completely biocompatible and wholly biodegradable with no risk of allergy. Hence,these fillers are safe.

How long does it last?

The visible results of the treatment can last from 12-18 months, depending on the individual and type of filler used.

How does it work?

Hyaluronic acid is administered by a small injection that fills up the specific wrinkle facial area by replenishing the substance in the skin that stops wrinkles appearing, restoring the elasticity and firmness of the skin. The effect is instantaneous for a younger and refreshed look.

At what age can the fillers be taken?

Any adult can take derma Fillers as they are not only used for aged skins but for beautifying and glamorizing young adults also. Lip augmentation and cheek volumisation are commonest indications opted by young girls these days.

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